Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Gonna Make Me A Woman

The Bible says that God "formed" Adam, but that He "built" Eve. I'm sure 100 different people could give 100 differing reasons for the distinction. To me it suggests that Adam was made of what God could get his hands on at the moment (i.e. dirt), deciding a little here, a little there, as we went along; but Eve was constructed with a vision and a blueprint. An exact ideal in mind and an exact goal.

I think that the ages that have passed since then have shown God as woman's original builder, man as her subsequent (it was, after all, a man's duty for many years to teach a woman to submit, blah blah blah), and finally, as in this day (at least in free countries), herself.

Whether we are women coming out of our childish teens, coming out of sheltered upbringings, coming out of shadowed marriages or coming out of stereotypes, we are all constantly building ourselves. It is hard labor, but rewarding; unless we hand over the tools to someone else.

This blog is dedicated to any and every woman who knows her goals, wants help drawing her blueprint or needs the guidance of another builder along the way. Men, money, sex, weight, image, self-esteem, music, love, fashion, kids, dreams...

We can share it all.

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